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Scientist of the month

Learn more about the people behind the research of Helmholtz Energy.

For the achievement of the European goal of climate neutrality by 2050, the decarbonization of industrial processes and electricity generation are key activities, since the industry sector accounts for about 20 % of GHG emissions in Germany. Therefore, the development of efficient methodologies that aim the selection of optimal decarbonization concepts according to the location of the industrial site with waste heat recovering are going to gain importance.

Together as a team, we conceptualize, design, and fabricate micro actuators and micro energy harvesting devices primarily based on the thermomagnetic effect and the conventional shape memory effect.

The knowledge gained from my research will contribute to making better-informed decisions about the site selection process in Germany. What drives me every day is my love for science and the thrill of understanding the complex hydro-geochemical processes happening underground.


My aim is to link bio-based processes with classic processes established in industry in order to enable the recovery of significantly more raw materials from mixtures of materials, particularly with a view to the circular economy.


It is a great privilege for me to contribute substantially to developing new technologies through my work, especially in the field of energy transition. I am particularly interested in researching fundamental mechanisms, as they are essential for understanding and improving technological processes. A central aspect of my research is the development of more sustainable battery concepts in industry-relevant formats such as pouch cells. This work not only contributes to the scientific community but also promotes a faster transfer of knowledge, which is essential for implementing efficient and environmentally friendly energy solutions.


In energy system analysis, the wires are running hot in the accelerated energy transition. The stakes are high for many decision-makers and the puzzle of a cost-effective & sustainable energy system is extremely complex.


Batteries play a central role in a successful energy transition towards a more sustainable future - for us and future generations. However, this requires continuous improvements to the already very successful storage technologies and the development of new technologies.


The future energy system will be based on metals. I am driven by the need to be able to produce these metals efficiently in the future.


I am working on establishing a link between the hydrogen infrastructure and heat pump applications. Through this innovative sector coupling, I want to make a contribution to increasing the efficiency of the future energy supply.


I am a photovoltaicist with all my heart. I am fascinated by this technology and love what it does - the sun shines every day and photovoltaics uses this inexhaustible source of energy.


I want to make the world a better place. This means conducting research on making our energy system sustainable, leaving the next generations with a liveable planet.


"Since I began my scientific career, I have always been motivated to bring new methods and disciplines to my research in order to gain a broader perspective on chemical processes and a sound understanding of the systems I study."


"I want to help make the energy transition a success story by providing knowledge for decision makers: scientifically sound knowledge for the energy transition, robust and resilient, and clearly communicated."


"Through our work as researchers, we have the opportunity to create innovation and impact, as well as be the designers of the future."


"Science offers me the great opportunity to always discover and learn something new while working. At the same time, we can find new, exciting solutions, with the chance to think outside the box together and enjoy giving free rein to creativity while thinking around corners."


"I am still very interested in testing further measurement techniques on foams. In particular, spatially resolved measurement of water contents, velocities, mechanical stresses or pressures are relevant to my research."


"My department comprises 15 employees, 7 of whom are doing their PhDs. I accompany and support this work, which is thematically broad, ranging from theoretical AI method development to the application of physical circular processes in industrial processes."


"Exploring the unknown drives me. It motivates me to look for solutions that no one has considered before and that can only be found by "thinking out of the box."


"I am someone who creates knowledge and it is important to me that it is useful for society. At least since I became a father, I also want to contribute to leaving a more livable sustainable world for my children."


"Since 2018, I have been working on the further development of recycling methods for lithium-ion batteries. In this context, my focus is on the recycling of the graphite contained."
