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What is new in the Research Field Energy?

Position papers on materials and circular economy

The two papers provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation regarding access to raw materials that are essential for a sustainable energy supply. They highlight the most important technical and economic challenges, identify the urgent need for action and formulate specific recommendations for policymakers.

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Position paper

This paper contains our key findings for the transition to a climate-neutral energy system. These are based on extensive research on this topic within Helmholtz Energy. With this paper, we provide a brief overview of the most important measures and provide guidance for all interested parties.

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Helmholtz Energy Transition Roadmap (HETR) published

Helmholtz Energy has developed a roadmap for energy research.

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Flexibility potentials

and solutions of buildings, districts, transport, and energy-intensive industries.

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First Helmholtz Women Career Workshop 2024

From May 27 to 28, 2024, 24 participants met in Bad Herrenalb for the first Helmholtz Energy Women Career Workshop on Communicating and Negotiating successfully in academia. 

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Parlamentary breakfast

More than 30 political decision-makers came to the Jakob-Kaiser-Haus in the German Bundestag on May 17, 2024 to learn more from scientists about the topics of CO₂ capture and storage. 

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Self-sufficient in a single-family house

Two million European single-family homes could abandon the grid by 2050.

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Joint ESD – MTET PhD Workshop

Our first joint ESD-MTET PhD workshop took place in Siegburg from 26 - 27 September 2023, attended by around 50 PhD students.

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Impressions from the Helmholtz Energy Conference 2023

On June 12 and 13, 2023, the Helmholtz Research Field Energy met at the first Helmholtz Energy Conference "Tackling the Challenges of the Energy Transition" in Koblenz.

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Ulrich W. Paetzold receives ERC Consolidator Grant

Funding is being provided for the "LAMI-PERO" project, which aims to establish a fundamental understanding of how perovskite thin films are formed under high pressure, and also to discover more stable and novel compositions of perovskite semiconductors to produce highly efficient perovskite solar cells and tandem solar cells.

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Better safe than sorry: technological leap with tandem solar cells

In the laboratory, tandem solar cells achieve efficiencies that far exceed those of conventional silicon cells. Helmholtz researchers now want to bring the technology into application quickly.

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Acceleration project to give geothermal energy a boost

Heat from underground could cover up to 25 percent of our heating energy requirements. A new Helmholtz project aims to accelerate the large-scale use of geothermal energy.

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Balancing act energy transition: How to achieve a sustainable energy supply?

The energy crisis in the wake of the war in Ukraine shows how dependent we still are on fossil fuels. Our energy system must change fundamentally. And as quickly as possible.

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